
Creating thumbs from a webpage

webpage thumbOften it is a good thing to visualize a link to something with a thumb of the page you linked to. Imagine you have a link-module where you sample interesting links to, let’s say … pizza services. You want to add a screenshot of their homepage to help your visitors to identify the pizza service they are looking for. But adding all these thumbs manually is something you don’t wish your hardest enemy has to do. So, how can we accomplish this automatically ? I’ll show you in a second…

Sending advanced emails

Sending emails in dotnetnuke is very simple with the one hit method Mail.SendMail(…) living in the DotNetNuke.Services.Mail namespace. But if you need more options like integrating images in the mail or handling HTML-, Text parts and attachments you need the direct Mail stuff from the .NET Framework.

Flexible module design with templates

When you create a module not only for you and for one special portal, you have to decide how to accomplish the multiple design demands your customers have. You can create a fixed design and deal with a lot of classes, so the user can do all the styling with CSS. But in my opinion, this is often not flexible enough. The most flexible solution is in my eyes working with templates and token replace. With this technique you can give your users the widest possible range of possibilities for arranging all the stuff they need in the design they want.

Think of a RSS module where you can style the display of  the news. On one page you want only the headline and date, on another page you need the full text, the date under the text and the headline above… You will never be able to realize all possible combinations with settings like “Show title under text” or “Don’t show headline”…

Changing the module title / hiding the module

Sometimes you need to change the title of your container, perhaps because you show a special product and want to have the product name as title or something like that. Another reason is localization of module titles…

Syntax Highlighting with Live Writer

Showing code is a very fundamental thing for a blogger writing about developing code. I like blogs with syntax highlighted code and there are a lot plugins for windows live writer outside which show code formatted well. But if you ever want to copy some of this code to clipboard for your own usage, you have to strip out html-tags, blank lines and all this format staff. This blog post is about how to do it in a better way:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace CSharp
	public class Class1
		public static void Main(string[] args)


Torsten WeggenMy name is Torsten Weggen and I am CEO of indisoftware GmbH in Hanover, Germany. I'm into DNN since 2008. Before this, I did a lot of desktop stuff mainly coded with Visual Foxpro (see http://www.auktionsbuddy.de). 

I'm programmer, husband, father + born in 1965.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.

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