
Torsten Weggen: About me

Profile ImageSince my nomination as a DNN MVP late last year I feel the need to introduce myself a little bit more to the community. In fact, this nomination was a big surprise for me and I don’t know how to fulfil the expectations at the moment. Times are extremely busy and I suspect that I am not able to act as an MVP in the way I want to, especially in the next 3 or 4 month. The reason for this is a big DNN project, more on this later!


Torsten WeggenMy name is Torsten Weggen and I am CEO of indisoftware GmbH in Hanover, Germany. I'm into DNN since 2008. Before this, I did a lot of desktop stuff mainly coded with Visual Foxpro (see http://www.auktionsbuddy.de). 

I'm programmer, husband, father + born in 1965.

Please feel free to contact me if you have questions.

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Torsten Weggen: About me
1/9/2014 8:01 PM | Torsten Weggen

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